Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Libby, Libby, Libby

I'm not losing any sleep over the Libby commutation. Another gift to the Democrats in '08 is how I see it.

Multiple wrongs do not make a right. At the same time, things like Bill Clinton's Mark Rich pardon set the stage for this to be seen as politics as usual. And it is things like the Mark Rich pardon which make the prospect of the Clintons in the White House less appealing to me than the Obamas.

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It really seems to be Hilary or Obama. And the way the Republicans keep tying the weight of the Libby commutation to their ankles, given the lack of a really strong candidate on the Republican side, and the disgust on both sides with the Bush administration, I find it hard to believe there will be much of a contest--except between she who would be the first woman president and he who would be the first African-American president.

The Clintons are the smartest politicians ever, and the amazing relationships Hilary has formed in the Senate would help her be an effective president. You have to be a master of politics to be an effective president.

Or extremely popular. Obama has appeal to those in both parties, and he does not reek of sleazly politics and opportunism the way the Clintons do. Clinton is disliked by so many; she would unify the "vast right-wing conspiracy" folks and the prospects of four or more years of polarization would be great.

Obama seems truly dedicated to cleaning up the system, which I don't see happening with another Clinton in the White House. And I don't know if I'm more scared or excited by the thought of Bill Clinton as first spouse.

Both Clinton and Obama support civil unions, taking fairly weak stances against "marriage." I'm for incrementalism as the more pragmatic course, so while on a personal level I find the idea of settling for civil unions dissapointing, politically I am optimistic that they will lead sooner than later to full, unequivocal marriage rights.

I've given it a good deal of thought. If Hilary gets the nomination, I'll support her. But I just signed up to give money montly to the Obama campaign.